Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving and Med School Prom #4

My boys in my old room at my parents house. Aren't they just irresistable :)

Thanksgiving! My Mom did an excellent job of starting the Christmas decorating early this year! Good job Mom! The tables were beautiful and so festive. It's the Holiday season, who cares which one?

Wiggy and I attended our final Medical School Christmas Ball "aka Prom" last weekend. I totally look forward to this event every year because we don't have many opportunities to get dressed up and go dancing anymore! We usually have a get together before hand but everyone is running around interviewing this year so no one could come :(
The Holidays are here! We're so busy this year preparing to "globetrot" from NC to Pittsburgh for Wiggy's interview then to MD to visit my family then back to NC only to get up the next morning to fly to Chicago to visit Wiggy's family. We return for a quick breather before we go to Atlanta for the weekend for a friend's wedding!!! AHHHH... we need a vacation when it's all over with. I find it a bit unsettling that this time of year should be about the peace that we celebrate with the birth of our savior and that we continue to make this time of year busier and busier. I pray that at least the true spirit of Christmas lives through the hustle and bustle and touches each of us.

1 comment:

Holly and Derek said...

You look beautiful at the "Prom"! I wish that Derek and I could have gone, it looks like fun. Have fun with all of your traveling.