Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Sizzle

The past two weeks of my life have gone by like a big blurr... not even sure I remember everything! Last weekend Wiggy was on call basically all weekend except for Friday night so we indulged in a patio dinner at our fave Sixth and Vine for some good convo and yummy food (their goat cheese salad with cherries is the BEST). Saturday I went hiking at Hanging Rock with 3 friends and my puppy. My friend Carrie's pugs were supposed to come as well but they were conked out after playing with Jasper for 10 minutes so they went home. That evening Carrie and I saw "The Hangover". It was absolutely hysterical... Wow! Sunday I had lunch with my good friend Ashley who is expecting! She will be my first very close friend to have a baby and I can't wait! That evening Wiggy and I went on a bike ride and grilled shrimp, yummy!

This past week was quite exciting as Wednesday night I caught up with lots of the Group Ex gals who used to take my classes at the now closed Jonestown Peak Fitness. We had a great time catching up and enjoyed our 1/2 price wine. Thursday evening I finally caught up with my Med School gals Meg and Jamie for the Skirt Magazine one year anniversary party. They gave away lots of free goodies and fried food. It was really great to see them after such a long break!

Friday afternoon I flew home for one last wedding and my Mom picked me up from the airport and took me to my fave.. Red Robin for a juicy and greasy Whiskey River Chicken Sandwich! We then had a nice 3 hour chat on the way home. Saturday morning I got to go running at home, my favorite place on the earth... think... super low humidity, mild Summer temps, beautiful green surroundings and killer hills! Then it was off for pedicures with Mom and Meme and a lovely patio lunch with the whole fam before getting ready for the wedding. The bride was beautiful and I got a chance to catch up with lots of high school friends that I haven't seen in a long time. We all had a great time mingling and dancing and reminiscing. Sunday morning was rough as we had to get up by 6:30 to head to the airport. Fortunately I got to spend yesterday with my hubby which was worth the early wake up call.

Off to another week... no more air travel in sight for quite a while... sighhhh

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