Friday, June 4, 2010

Show Time!

Well, he did it! Wiggy competed in his first fitness competition in the Fitness Model Category and WON! He looked incredible and is a true natural on the stage! I also won both Elite Fitness Model and Elite Swimsuit Model! We had a wonderful time and all of the Jillfit team really did well. I will definitely be competing in FAME shows in the future! Following the show we had a big greasy dinner at Natty Greens in Greensboro. On Sunday we met several of our fellow competitors and their spouses at Sanders Ridge Winery in Booneville for Brunch. I highly recommend it as the setting is unmatchable and the food is to die for! Following brunch we headed to Stone Mountain for a nice long hike. Stone Mountain is my favorite hike around Winston Salem. The flat smooth rock is just breathtaking along with the 200 ft. waterfall. The trails are never super-crowded and Jasper loves it! On Monday we met up with an old college friend of mine who is moving back to NC from San Francisco. We are very excited for fellow Deacon fans in Winston!! So, what's next? July 17th- Model America in Roanoake VA... a few weeks of building then back to the cut. The body is an amazing machine and I feel so blessed to be able to do the things I can!

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