Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Winter Blahs

I can say that this is certainly the most "winter" that North Carolina has experienced in the 10 years that I've lived here. I don't mind snow all that much. I'm not allowed really as I grew up in a place that it snows almost daily from November until March every year. I absolutely do not miss snow, ice and frigid temperatures and I do not enjoy them when they come to hang out here in the South for weeks at a time. The problem isn't the snow, it's that everything shuts down for five days over six inches of snow. My early morning classes were cancelled Sat, S,M,T,W this week and are again cancelled tomorrow. I mean really? Is this necessary? I know that it's sometimes best to err on the side of caution, but come on! Ok, enough with that.

We've been quite busy with the daily grind lately. Wiggy is back on an OB rotation that keeps him super worn out all the time. That combined with lots of newsletter printing and fitness competition preparations beginning for both of us has kept us quite busy the past few weeks. Wiggy has gained a full 15 pounds of muscle in about 5 weeks, Wow!!! My first competition will be on April 10th and Wiggy and I will both compete on May 29th... after that who knows?

I am very excited to report that I'll be participating in a Personal Training Certification this weekend. I have been assured that it will go on regardless of weather and that makes me happy. I am very excited to step into a slightly different arena in the fitness world.

Other than that, we've had a wonderful beginning to 2010 with my "real" job and I am oh so very thankful for that! All is well, just busy busy... now, can we just stop the snow?

1 comment:

TheMorans said...

I love that school was canceled!! My gym was closed too!! Sometimes we need to stand still! (But that was way to long!)