Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day

The commercialized day of love has happened yet again. I have never been a huge fan of Valentines Day... I'm more of the camp of.... Wow.. this would mean so much more if it happened any other day of the year.. Of course it's super nice to be showered with flowers and nice meals, but Valentines Day makes it seem like an obligation that I've just never been super crazy about. My husband knows this and because of it he has become an expert in doing a little something nice on Valentines Day and then providing me with an itinerary for an upcoming weekend of fun and true celebration aside from the packed restaurants and super organized events that happen on Valentines Weekend.

This year my itinerary looks like this... and I'm so EXCITED!

March 27th.

9am Workout/teach classes

12pm Lunch at Whole Foods (a Sat. tradition)

2pm Visit the new Civil Rights Museum in Greensboro

4pm Check in to Proximity (Greenest Hotel in America)

6pm Wine on the outside patio

7:30 pm Dinner at Green Valley Grill

9pm Meet friends for drinks (mostly fellow Moses Cone residents who helped him plan this)

11pm Dancing at Much with said friends

Now, I must explain that my husband is not much of a planner. That falls on my plate... all the time. I learned that he had thrown this idea out there at a resident meeting weeks ago and that just made my heart sizzle! To know that he was planning something special for me in advance really makes me melt. I know, this probably sounds absurd, but he works 80 hour weeks and spends every 4th night at the hospital. He is also going through the rigors of training for his first fitness show. The boy doesn't have much free time. This year has been difficult. It has also made us much stronger as a couple and we appreciate each other so much more. I am crazy about my husband after 8 years together and that gives me butterflies!

Happy Valentines Day!

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