I often talk about Jasper on the blog, but realize I've neglected to talk about Ellie, the queen of our house. I have decided to make a list of all the things that make Ellie a totally One of a Kind cat that intrigues most of our visitors.
1. Ellie should be in the circus. She can jump extremely high and has turned our house into an obstacle course. She will run around, up and down after toys launching herself onto small surfaces 12 feet high and then sliding down walls etc. It's quite interesting.
2. Ellie is a Daddy's Girl. She much prefers Wiggy over me. It doesn't matter who feeds her and who is nice to her.... she curls up on her Daddy's lap every single night.
3. Ellie lives to eat. She is at her best and most affectionate when she is hungry and will do just about anything for food. Her food is kept in the laundry room which is connected to our guest bathroom and has a bad habit of following guests into the bathroom in hopes they might feed her.
4. Ellie loves drawers (see photo). Ellie loves to open drawers (a nighttime habit that earned her her own special room that she sleeps in so everyone else in the house can also sleep). Her favorites are my sock drawer and t-shirt drawer.
5. Ellie is surprisingly a wonderful traveler. In the car is the one place I can get her to sleep on my lap for hours at a time.
6. Ellie is a wonderful heating pad. She always knows the perfect place to lay when you're sick or napping to keep you warm.
7. Ellie loves pudding. I eat a pudding snack just about every night and Ellie loves to stick her face in it and lick up anything that's left in the cup. This always entails her getting pudding all over her face and whiskers.
8. Ellie likes to punch Jasper. She does not like to play with him (unless she may get food and then she'll even rub up against him). When he gets near her she strikes him with her clawless paws very similarly to the way a snake bites and then recoils.