Tuesday, July 14, 2009

To Cali and Back... hurry!

I feel like I haven't "lived" at home for almost a month now simply because I've been gone so much! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining as I've gotten to really enjoy a lot of old friends and visit family. The issue is the globetrotting has me exhausted... I mean beat tired and I'm very excited to be home for 2 full weeks.

One of the most difficult things about intern year is that there is very little time off in that they get one weekend off per month (and that means you're on call on Thursday and again on Monday). Wiggy had the honor of serving as a groomsman in his good friend Kurt's wedding in San Francisco last weekend. We were really excited to be able to attend as my college roomate Kristin, and good friend from Wake Lara played key roles in them coming together when Kurt moved to San Francisco (after transfering from WFU to UCLA) a few years ago and Lara invited him to a party to introduce him to people. It was there that he met Joanne, a high school mate of Kristins. So it's a sweet story that involves many people that I am close with made happen.

Fortunately we arrived to SFO early on Friday and were able to make the rehearsal dinner of German food in honor of Kurt's heritage. We were at the bride's aunt's beautiful home in the hills of Orinda, and I knew I wasn't in the South East anymore! That night we crashed as the wedding party had to be up early. We had the pleasure of staying at Kristin's parents house and receiving some Kuhn hospitality.

The wedding took place at Stanford Chapel which is absolutely beautiful. It was nice to visit an area of SFO that was new to me. We then headed to one of Kristin's high school friend's parents' houses for drinks and fellowship before heading to the reception which was in the VERY nice Catholic School that Kristin and Joanne attended. The food and party were incredible and it was hard to believe it was time to leave already.

Someday, after residency, we will return for a long West Coast trip to LA, SFO, and to visit Coach and Mrs. Kurt Schmid to cheer on the Sounders!

1 comment:

chritine said...

You looked so pretty in the new dress courtesy of Philly Shopping Extravaganza w/Mom :)