I can't believe that the Holidays have arrived! We've just returned from celebrating Thanksgiving with Wiggy's family in Nebraska and catching up with his Best Friend Brian and his new Fiance Kinsey. We enjoyed lots of great conversations (some a little heated, but that's to be expected in Saunders family conversation), lots of great food, The Christmas Carol in IMAX 3D, and the excitement of wedding planning. All in all it was a great trip, just a little short. We always wish both of our families were closer!
Last weekend was also a fantastic weekend! I started Thursday with a girls night catching up over appetizers and wine at Sixth and Vine. Friday evening we caught up with some Medical School friends over Thai food and then Saturday we decorated our house for Christmas and sipped wine and chatted before heading out to meet up with friends to watch The Blind Side (my favorite movie of 2009 by far). Sunday was the best of all! We got up and worked out together (something we rarely get to do) and then spent the afternoon delivering Thanksgiving Dinner bags to the families we work with at the House of Service. Not only was the delivery a wonderful experience, but I was amazed by my friends and even acquaintances that offered to put together a bag. I ended up with 6 bags and $110 in gift cards (allowing us to put together 8 more bags)from a simple Facebook posting! It is amazing the small ways that God displays his Grace through our friends. We fed 14 families through one little posting! I am still in awe of this! That evening we headed to Greensboro for an interview dinner for the incoming intern class at Moses Cone. It was really fun to answer questions as the spouse on the "other side" this time.
The past two weeks have been wonderful and I am truly looking forward to the Holiday season. Lots of Cheer and Joy coming my way!